
How Organizations are Using SRM to Support Leadership and Enhance the Stakeholder Experience

Trend Analysis

As today’s business environment shifts to be more inclusive and stakeholder-driven, Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) is becoming an indispensable tool not only to support leadership but also to enhance the stakeholder experience (SX). From a leadership perspective, SRM involves identifying, understanding, and effectively engaging with individuals or groups who have a vested interest or influence in the organization’s activities. The end goal? To enhance the end-to-end experience for all stakeholders within and without the organization.

SRM: Supporting Leadership

Here are five ways that SRM supports leadership within the organization:

  1. Strategic decision-making- Stakeholders have a significant impact on an organization’s success. By leveraging industry analytics in SRM, leaders can make data-driven decisions that align with stakeholder expectations and preferences. It helps leaders identify emerging trends, anticipate stakeholder needs, and align organizational strategies to drive impact.
  2. Relationship-building and engagement- Strong stakeholder relationships are crucial for gaining support, building trust, and achieving organizational goals. Industry analytics provide insights into stakeholder behavior, sentiments, and concerns, enabling leaders to tailor engagement strategies, communication approaches, and initiatives that resonate with stakeholders. This fosters positive relationships and enhances stakeholder satisfaction.
  3. Proactive issue management- By leveraging analytics, leaders can proactively identify potential issues or conflicts with stakeholders. They can track sentiment trends, detect early warning signs, and social impacts, and address concerns before they escalate. Proactive issue management helps leaders maintain positive stakeholder relationships, mitigate risks, and safeguard the organization’s reputation.
  4. Strategic alignment- Effective SRM helps leaders ensure that organizational decisions, initiatives, and communication efforts align with stakeholder expectations, values, and impact. By understanding stakeholder sentiments and preferences through analytics, leaders can align their strategic direction, prioritize stakeholder needs, and demonstrate responsiveness, ultimately driving stakeholder outcomes that generate satisfaction and loyalty.

SRM: Enhancing the Stakeholder Experience

SRM refers to the systematic and strategic approach organizations adopt to identify, engage, and manage relationships with various stakeholders, such as customers, employees, investors, suppliers, communities, and regulatory bodies. As such, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of Stakeholder Relationship Management in enhancing the stakeholder experience. Here are some ways organizations can utilize SRM to enhance the stakeholder experience.

  1. Understand Stakeholder Needs- SRM involves actively listening to stakeholders and understanding their needs, expectations, and concerns. Organizations can gain valuable insights into stakeholder preferences and adapt their strategies by leveraging various feedback channels such as surveys, interviews, and social media monitoring. This helps in delivering products, services, and experiences that align with stakeholder expectations.
  2. Build Strong Relationships- SRM focuses on developing strong and meaningful stakeholder relationships. By engaging in regular communication and interaction, organizations can foster trust, transparency, and collaboration with stakeholders. This can be achieved through various means such as personalized communications, stakeholder events, advisory panels, and open forums. Strong relationships create a sense of loyalty and engagement, leading to an enhanced stakeholder experience.
  3. Tailor Products and Services- SRM enables businesses to customize their offerings based on stakeholder preferences. By leveraging stakeholder insights and feedback, organizations can tailor their products, services, and processes to better meet stakeholder needs. This customization may include product features, pricing models, service delivery channels, or even packaging.
  4. Be Responsive and Resolve Issues- Effective SRM involves being responsive to stakeholder queries, concerns, and issues. Timely and efficient issue resolution is crucial in maintaining stakeholder satisfaction. Businesses can establish dedicated customer support teams, helplines, or online portals to address stakeholder inquiries promptly. Proactive communication during crises or challenging situations (think Covid-19) also demonstrates a commitment to stakeholder satisfaction.
  5. Collaboration and Co-creation- SRM encourages collaboration and co-creation with stakeholders. Businesses can involve stakeholders in decision-making processes, product development, and innovation initiatives. By actively seeking stakeholder input, organizations can tap into their collective wisdom and perspectives, leading to the development of better solutions and experiences. This collaborative approach strengthens relationships and enhances stakeholder satisfaction.
  6. Social Responsibility and Sustainability- SRM incorporates social responsibility and sustainability practices, which are increasingly important to stakeholders. By demonstrating ethical behavior, environmental stewardship, and community engagement, businesses can enhance the stakeholder experience. This may involve initiatives such as corporate social responsibility programs, sustainable supply chain practices, or involvement in local community projects. Such efforts contribute to building a positive brand image and strengthening stakeholder relationships.

Popular SRM Metrics

SRM measurement depends on the company’s focus and objectives. Some common measurements for purpose-driven companies include:

Stakeholder satisfaction and engagement levels- This metric assesses the satisfaction and engagement of stakeholders with the company’s products, services, and initiatives.
Social impact metrics quantify the organization’s contributions to the community and society, such as charitable giving, volunteer hours, community investments, and social programs.
Environmental impact metrics measure the organization’s environmental performance, such as carbon emissions, energy consumption, waste management, water usage, and sustainable practices.
Diversity and inclusion metrics evaluate the organization’s efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce, supply chain, and leadership positions.
Sustainable supply chain metrics assess the organization’s engagement with suppliers who adhere to sustainable practices, fair labor standards, and ethical sourcing.
Reporting and transparency metrics focus on the organization’s disclosure and reporting practices, including the quality and transparency of stakeholder communications, sustainability reports, and adherence to reporting frameworks.

As business accountability for ESG increases, SRM metrics become integral to a new set of responsible performance indicators that replace traditional KPIs.

Brands Using SRM to Enhance the Stakeholder Experience

SRM can be used in different ways by organizations to connect with different stakeholder groups. Here are five real-world examples.

Salesforce: Empowering Customer Success

Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, prioritizes SRM to empower its customers’ success. By providing a comprehensive platform and personalized support, Salesforce ensures its clients have the necessary tools and resources to maximize the value of their CRM investment. Through ongoing communication, training programs, and a dedicated customer success team, Salesforce enhances the stakeholder experience and fosters strong customer loyalty.

Microsoft: Collaborative Supplier Relationships

Microsoft has implemented an effective SRM strategy to enhance collaboration with its suppliers. By actively engaging suppliers in strategic discussions, sharing insights, and jointly identifying opportunities for innovation, Microsoft strengthens relationships and drives mutual success. Through initiatives like the Supplier Relationship Management Program, Microsoft creates a collaborative ecosystem that fosters open communication, transparency, and long-term partnerships.

Google: Engaging Developer Community

Google recognizes the importance of engaging its developer community as stakeholders. Through programs like Google Developer Groups (GDGs), the company builds relationships with developers worldwide, facilitating knowledge-sharing, networking, and collaboration. Google provides resources, events, and platforms for developers to learn, connect, and showcase their work, enhancing the stakeholder experience and fueling innovation within the developer community.

Starbucks: Employee Engagement and Recognition

Starbucks places a strong emphasis on SRM by prioritizing employee engagement and recognition. By investing in comprehensive training programs, providing competitive benefits, and creating a positive work environment, Starbucks fosters a strong sense of belonging and loyalty among its employees. Recognizing their contributions through rewards, incentives, and career development opportunities enhances the stakeholder experience, resulting in motivated and committed employees who deliver exceptional customer service.

Patagonia: Authentic Stakeholder Engagement

Patagonia, an outdoor apparel company, excels in SRM by authentically engaging with its stakeholders. The company prioritizes transparency, sustainability, and activism, resonating with environmentally conscious customers. Through initiatives like the Patagonia Action Works platform and its commitment to fair trade and social responsibility, Patagonia actively involves stakeholders in its mission, fostering a sense of shared purpose and loyalty.

Stakeholder Experience as the Bottom Line

Organizations are using SRM to enhance the stakeholder experience by understanding stakeholder needs, building strong relationships, tailoring products and services, being responsive and resolving issues, fostering collaboration and co-creation, and incorporating social responsibility and sustainability practices. By prioritizing the stakeholder experience, organizations can improve satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business success.


  1. Imagine you’re a digital marketing consultant. What’s your elevator pitch to your client’s leadership team as to why SRM is indispensable to their business? How would you “sell it” to them?
  2. In what ways do social listening and monitoring and stakeholder analytics data contribute to a better stakeholder experience?